Why a Deed of Covenant?

A Deed of Covenant allows the Donor to receive a Tax Credit up to 15% of the Individual’s or Company’s total income.

Deeds of Covenant may be registered for one year, or for as many years the Donor prefers. The Donor is free to specify the beneficiaries of their donation, e.g., their home parish, a Catholic School/Church, Feeding the Poor, St. Peter’s Home, Society of St Vincent De Paul, Christ Child Convalescent Home, Archbishop’s Appeal Projects – Education, Seminarians, National Trust Catholic Heritage Properties of Interest, or any other worthy cause within the Archdiocese of Port of Spain.

The process to register a Deed of Covenant is straightforward, and the Archbishop’s Appeal is happy to assist in making it as hassle-free, and seamless as possible for Donors. Processing of Deeds of Covenant is ongoing throughout the year, with deadline of December 5th for submitting the signed copies of the Deeds of Covenant to be registered at the BIR.


Deeds of Covenant Information

Step by Step guide to registering a Deed of Covenant document

TT Board of Inland Revenue - Deeds of Covenant

BIR Checklist for registering Deeds of Covenant

Statement of Intent

This form must be completed by the Donor in accordance with our Deed of Covenant Policy and Procedure. Click Icon to complete form Online.

Deed of Covenant Sample

Template to be completed by Donor,  Witness and Archbishop's Appeal office.

Click on one of the Links above or Contact Us for more information.